Royal Society Scientific Discussion Meeting

London, 17-18 October 2005

The date for submission of papers is Monday 5th September 2005 if you want your paper to be eligible for citation in the current IPCC process.

Some notes on details for the Philosophical Transactions volume associated with our Royal Society meeting in October:
The publication timetable will be as follows:
Deadline for submission of first draft: Monday 5th September 2005 Deadline for submission of final version: Monday 5th December 2005.

For papers meeting the first deadline, I will ensure that reviews are available before the start of the Discussion Meeting (17th October 2005). Details of the submission procedure are given on the Society's webpage (see below).

If we keep to this timetable then publication of the paper version of the volume should be between April and June 2006. An on-line version should be available at an earlier date in 2006.

This timetable should ensure that all papers will be eligible for citation in the current IPCC process. In particular, that they will (a) exist as a paper by early September and (b) be in press by mid December. Thanks to Jonathan Gregory for clarifying these dates.

If you do not intend to have your paper eligible for IPCC citation then I would still ask you to keep to this schedule. However, it should be noted that the absolute Royal Society deadline (i.e., expenses will be withheld etc) is to submit the paper before the meeting itself.

Information on the journal can be found at

Information for authors is available from

Papers should be approximately 10,000 words in length (not including references and captions) and should be representative of your talk.